Every Tree Counts,Every Dollar Plants

Join Us in Growing a
Greener Future

Plant a Seed, Grow a Legacy – Help Us Plant One Million Trees by 2025

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Why Plant Trees?

Trees are the earth’s lungs, absorbing carbon and giving back oxygen. Every tree you help plant takes us one step closer to a healthier planet and a brighter future for the next generation.

Your contributions are vital not just for planting trees, but for sustaining a movement that educates and mobilizes communities in Negros Oriental.

Each donation helps us provide the necessary tools, educational materials, and support to ensure that each seedling grows into a thriving tree.

By funding these operations, you are directly investing in the environmental health and educational future of the region. 

Join us in cultivating a sustainable environment where every dollar grows roots, creating lasting benefits for both nature and the local community.

See Our Programs in Action

We’re not just planting trees—we're growing communities. Through hands-on educational programs, children in the Philippines are becoming lifelong stewards
of the Earth.

Learn More About the Impact of Trees

Trees are the earth's lungs, absorbing carbon and giving back oxygen. Every tree you help plant takes us one step closer to a healthier planet and a brighter future
for the next generation.

Donate Today – Plant a Tree

Your support goes directly to planting trees and empowering young environmental leaders. Every dollar you donate plants a tree and educates a child on the importance of environmental responsibility.

Track Our Progress

From a single classroom to a nation-wide movement, see how far we've come and how close we are to our goal of one million trees.

Empowering Young Minds, One Tree
at a Time.

Community and Education

In the heart of Negros Oriental, a revolution in education and environmental stewardship is taking root. Our “Grow a Million Trees” initiative isn’t just about planting trees—it’s about planting seeds of responsibility and knowledge in the young minds of our communities.

Through our hands-on educational programs, students don’t just learn about the environment—they become a vital part of it.

Each lesson in conservation brings science to life,
as students step outside the classroom and into nature, turning the soil and planting the future with their own hands.

Why does this matter?

Each tree planted is a step towards recovery and sustainability, but the true growth happens within the hearts and minds of the students.

By integrating environmental education with practical action, we’re nurturing a generation of eco-conscious leaders.

Leaders who not only understand the challenges but are also prepared to address them with innovative solutions.

Your support ignites this transformation, enabling us to expand our reach and deepen our impact.

Every dollar you contribute helps us provide the essential tools and resources necessary for these young stewards of the environment.

As they plant their trees, they’re also planting hope for a greener, more sustainable future.

Join us in this vital mission—your involvement makes a crucial difference in nurturing the protectors of our planet.

Your Role in This Growth

When you support “Grow a Million Trees,” you’re not just funding tree planting.

You’re investing in educational programs that equip children with the knowledge and skills they need to turn their environmental passion into action.

Your donation directly supports:

Educational Materials

We continuously update and enrich our resources to ensure that every lesson is not only engaging but also deeply informative.

These materials are crafted to spark curiosity and foster a lasting understanding of environmental stewardship among students.

Gardening Tools

Equipped with the right tools, every student becomes an active participant in their learning journey.

Our selection of essential gardening tools provides hands-on experience in the field, allowing students to apply their environmental knowledge practically and effectively.

These tools are not just instruments of planting; they are instruments of empowerment, teaching responsibility and fostering a tangible connection with the Earth.

Community Workshops

With two decades of community engagement under our belt, we’ve seen firsthand the transformative power of unity.

Our workshops are designed to bring students, parents, and educators together, fostering a collaborative spirit that extends beyond the classroom.

These events are not just about learning; they are about creating a cohesive community committed to environmental stewardship.

By sharing knowledge and experiences, we empower each participant to contribute actively to our environmental goals, enhancing the impact of our collective efforts.

Together, we are not only nurturing young minds but also cementing a legacy of communal responsibility and care for our planet.

$1-A-Tree Donation Grow A Million Tree

Environmental Impact.

How Donations Help: Fueling Change One Tree at a Time

School Children & Community: Forces of Change

This campaign-project is designed to act as a catalyst for change, impacting not just the environment
but also the community and families involved.

The act of planting trees serves as a powerful metaphor and practical tool for
broader social and ecological transformation.

How Donations Help: Fueling Change One Tree at a Time

In a world where every action can tip the balance, your choice to support our cause isn’t just a donation—it’s a declaration. A declaration that the future matters, that nature deserves a fighting chance, and that every child has the right to inherit a healthier planet.

Why Your Donation Matters

Every dollar you donate weaves into the story of a tree. But these aren’t just any trees.

They are beacons of hope, symbols of resilience, and the very lungs of our Earth. They stand as guardians of our future, turning carbon into oxygen, strife into peace, and apathy into action.

But the journey from a seed to a mighty tree isn’t simple. It requires soil, water, care, and yes, it requires you.

Your donations provide the essential resources needed to plant and nurture these trees.

They equip schools with the tools to teach, the materials to inspire, and the seeds to plant.

Each contribution is a critical thread in the fabric of this global canopy we are striving to expand.

  • Trees as Natural Solutions: By increasing the number of trees, the project directly contributes to carbon absorption, improved air quality, and restored biodiversity. Each tree planted helps mitigate climate change effects, making the environment healthier for all living organisms.
  • Engagement and Empowerment: The project fosters community engagement by bringing people together for a common cause. It enhances local involvement and pride, encouraging collective action that goes beyond tree planting to include other community-driven environmental initiatives.
  • Educational Benefits: Children participate in planting and caring for trees, which teaches them responsibility and gives them hands-on environmental education. This interaction promotes lifelong eco-conscious behaviors and instills a sense of stewardship.
  • Family Involvement: When families participate together, it strengthens bonds and reinforces the importance of teamwork in achieving sustainable outcomes. It also helps spread environmental awareness across generations.

The Forces of Change

Children, families, and the broader community are not just beneficiaries of this campaign;
they are its driving forces.

By participating, they become agents of change,
influencing both current and future environmental conditions.
This proactive involvement cultivates a culture of sustainability
that can resonate well beyond the immediate scope of the project.

Real Impact in Real Time

Imagine a child planting her first tree. She pats down the soil with small, determined hands. This is more than just an environmental lesson; it’s a life lesson in responsibility, hope, and growth. With each tree planted, her world expands—a little greener, a little fuller.

Your donations also support our community workshops, where families learn not just why we plant, but how their planting impacts the world. These workshops are hives of activity, buzzing with the energy of new understanding and shared purpose. Here, barriers break down, and hands, young and old, work together to sow the seeds of a sustainable future.


Every Dollar Tells a Story

Donating Is Sending Messages

You're telling a child, a community, a country that change is possible, and it's happening right now. Your support turns into tools in a student's hand, water in a sapling's roots, and ultimately, shade under a family's tree.

you're not just sending money

This isn’t just about planting trees—it’s about planting possibilities. It’s about the palpable, profound impact of nurturing young minds and restoring landscapes together. It’s about ensuring that every step we take is a step toward recovery and sustainability.

Act Now

The world doesn’t need observers; it needs doers, dreamers, and believers. It needs you. By clicking the button below, you ignite a chain reaction of growth, education, and community empowerment. Donate today, and let’s plant not just a tree, but a new foundation for the future.

GAMT 001 photo

Let us go forward in this battle fortified by conviction that those who labour in the service of a great and good cause will never fail.

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